Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Track and Field Day

Bode's school had its fall track and field day.  The best part?  Certainly not the games; rather, Bode loved the face-painting.  Miss Heather really did him up well.
Of course, there were lots of activities.  Ashley took lots of videos.  First, here's Bode racing in a 50-yard dash.  Little man needs to concentrate on the race and not the opponent :-)
Next we have the sack race.
And finally, the tire roll.  I think he has the makings of a NASCAR pit-crew member.
As you can tell from the videos, it was a beautiful day, and Ashley had a great time (sadly, I had to work; darn job :-(

Track and Field day was last Friday.  Today (Tuesday) was Bode's final cross-country meet of the year.  I had planned on attending.  Sadly, I was unable to make it because (and no, I'm not making this up) the gates in the parking garage where I park my car malfunctioned, making it impossible for anyone to leave.  This was quite aggravating for a lot of people.  I spent 30+ minutes in the garage waiting for the problem to be fixed and was unable to make it to the race.  Fortunately, Miss Jeanice was there and kindly took a number of videos and pictures.  First we have the team walking the course.
This was the longest race of the year--1,000 meters!  Per Bode's usual strategy, he started at a good pace to conserve his energy.
This strategy paid off big-time.  Miss Jeanice said Bode was passing people left and right 3/4ths of the way through the race.  I must also give Miss Jeanice big props for actually running while filming--she went way beyond the call of duty :-)
Next we have a good shot of Bode coming down the home-stretch.  He was really fighting.
Finally, the finishing kick.  Bode did not win the race, but he was the first place finisher from his team.  He was so excited because one his teammates that has consistently beaten Bode had to stop and walk.  Bode ran the whole way.  We are all extremely proud of our little runner.
Not much going on here this week...Ashley said something about a football game on Saturday, but I think I might just work in the yard :-)  Pleasant week to all.

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