Monday, December 30, 2013

Last Post of 2013

It has been quite a year.  We had some wonderful trips, saw lots of family and friends, and avoided any serious mishaps (knock on wood).  Bode started his education, Ashley and I continue to work at jobs that keep us interested and engaged (although if we won that lottery, we'd be gone in a heart-beat).  The Auburn Tigers had an incredible run and play the dreaded Seminoles in one week.  While we want Auburn to win, we realize they are playing with house-money, so anything at this point is simply gravy.  I'm sure 2014 will be filled with all sorts of new adventures, trials, and tribulations.  We'll try to take it all in stride, knowing that each gray hair is not a tragedy but a sign of gained wisdom, that each lost tooth (while painful), is another brick in Bode's childhood castle, and that every day is simply an opportunity to laugh and play (and procrastinate on that novel).
Happy New Year to all.

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