Sunday, September 8, 2013

First Lost Tooth

We've had a great week.  Early Labor Day morning, I ran in the America Discovery Trail 1/2 marathon.  Below is a picture of me approaching the finish line.  At least I look halfway decent...
A lot of runners' families are there at the finish, cheering them on.  Bode and Ashley were in bed :-)  The race started at 0630 Monday morning, which is an early wake up for the rest of Team McGuirk.  I ran well.  My time was 1:32:37, and I finished 14th out of 451 runners.  I was thrilled to get second (out of thirty) in the 40 - 44 year group.  I guess that is one good thing about getting older--slower times for everyone :-)

After the race, I was ready to spend the day walking around in 95-degree heat, so we headed down to the state fair in Pueblo.  There was this pretty cool sand castle, if you can call it a castle--more like sand art, but cool nonetheless.
Bode and Mommy rode the Ferris wheel.  I thought four bucks a person was a bit high, so I opted out.
The part Ashley and I like most about any fair is the animals (probably because that part is free).  Here are Mommy and Bode looking at some rabbits.  I love the expression on Ashley's face.
There was a milking demonstration.  Normally, if you ask me to go grab some titties, I'm the first one in the pool.  Not so much here.
There was a little petting area.  Here's Bode with a little puppy on his lap.
Finally, we saw this big pig and her little piglets.  Kinda reminded me of the new health care laws...
We had a lovely weekend.  The Auburn team won another one, so they are an impressive 2-0.  Air Force did not do well, nor did the Steelers, but if Ashley's happy, we are all happy.  Bode is especially ecstatic because today, he lost his first tooth.  His tooth started getting loose on Thursday.  He would not let me near it until today.  We were walking home with Harley and I asked him if I could pull it out.  He simply said, "Sure."  We rushed home, got the camera and some tissues, and away we went.  It wasn't near as dramatic as I thought it would be.
The tooth is already under Bode's pillow, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the tooth fairy.  Does anyone know her number?  Pleasant week to all.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Albuquerque McGuirks

My brother (Pat) and his family (Dana, Brenna, Sean, and Devin) were in Denver for the weekend.  Sean plays on a competitive soccer team, and the boys had a Labor Day tournament in Denver.  If you recall, the boys came up over Memorial Day weekend and won their division.  This weekend did not result in the previous resounding success, likely due to the fact Sean's team was used to 8-vs-8 games.  This weekend was all 11-vs-11, so the boys were at a disadvantaged.  Still, they played hard, and will use the games as a learning experience.

After the game, we went to Pat and Dana's hotel and let the kids do a little swimming.  This was probably the highlight of the weekend for Bode.  Our regular gym has a swimming pool and a hot-tub that is off-limits to kids who are not six years old.  The hotel had a hot-tub, and Bode went straight for it.
At some point, we convinced Brenna to give Bode a piggy-back ride.  Bode had never gotten up on someone's shoulders, so it took him awhile to figure things out.  Once he did, he did not want to come down.
The kids were very cute playing in the water.  I managed to get this movie.
The kids also did some jumping in from the side.  Note how Brenna just shoves Devin into the water :-)
The grand finale was jumping in together holding hands.
And one last picture.
We are in for the evening.  It's before five, but we are pretty tired.  We'll relax the rest of the night, watch some TV, maybe read some Captain Underpants, and then bed.  I'm running a 1/2 marathon tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes.  Happy Labor Day.

Start of the Season

Bode has adjusted to life in kindergarten.  In fact, he already has a girlfriend.  Miss Jeanice was telling us one day after school, they stayed after and played on the playground.  Bode was talking to this little girl, who suddenly decides to yell to everyone that, "Bode is my boyfriend!"  We have asked Bode about Jocelyn.  He simply replies, "She's my girlfriend."  Nice.

The start of the college football season could not have been better.  The day began with a tailgate at the USAFA-Colgate game.  Dave (Ashley's brother), Teddy, Charlie, and Dave's friend Dan came down.  It was a beautiful day--not too hot, with a little cloud cover.  Here is a picture of Ashley, Dave, and Dan.
Note Ashley is showing her support for the team wearing the colors of...Auburn?  We need to get the girl some USAFA attire.  Also, can you see the white dot up in the sky?  That's a sky-diver coming down into USAFA stadium.  Dan was kind enough to take a picture of the three of us.  I guess I shouldn't complain about Ashley's colors...
The parachutist is a little closer to the ground in this photo.  I don't know where Bode, Teddy, and Charlie were...probably playing in the street :-)

Auburn played Washington State Saturday night.  What a game (especially since Auburn won).  While we aren't thrilled with what we saw, we are hopeful, as there was a decent running game, and the QB showed some flashes of greatness (and badness, but we'll focus on the positive).  What made the game even more exciting was Bode's enthusiasm for the Auburn team.  The below video is not the best quality, especially the first 30 seconds.  I was trying to hide it, so we could get the audio of Bode watching the final two minutes.  Little guy is full of questions, and doesn't understand everything about the game, but he certainly cheers when Auburn does well :-)
We are heading up to Denver today to watch Sean (Bode's cousin) play in a soccer tournament.  Pleasant day to all.