Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter in March

Today was Easter.  When we saw the date, we were worried the weather might now cooperate, forcing us to have an egg-hunt indoors.  Fortunately, the high was forecast to be 65 and sunny.  The hunt was on!

Yesterday was egg-prep day.  Mommy was smart enough to remember to buy a dozen eggs.  Add that to the eight we had in the refrigerator and you get twenty eggs that needed coloring.  Bode Jackson, master egg-dyer, was up for the task.  Here he is, the master color man in action.
In this next picture, you can see the six eggs at once Bode is coloring.  He's quite adept at multitasking.
Here's a picture towards the end of the process--note the eggs are drying in their carton.
After dying the eggs, Bode was exhausted.  I went out and picked up some BBQ, and we had a pre-Peter Cotton-Tail feast.

Sunday morning, Bode was raring to go--first thing he asked when he woke up was, "Did the Easter Bunny come?"  He found his multiple Easter baskets and immediately wanted to go egg-hunting.  Mommy convinced him we needed to wait for the weather to warm up--still at little chilly at 8 am.  Around 1030, we decided to head out.  Here are the action shots.  Note Harley is quite adept at finding eggs--we had to pry a couple hard-boiled eggs out of her mouth.
Finally, we have a movie.  I can't really tell, but I think Harley has an egg in her mouth as she walks up the stairs.  It was right after we stopped this clip that I had to chase her down and get the egg from her.
Uncle Dave and Charlie are coming down a little later.  Bode said something about another egg-hunt.  Hopefully the bunny will come back and hide them again :-)

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