Sunday, February 10, 2013

Another February Weekend

Twas another ordinary weekend in Colorado Springs.  The weather has been teasing us with snow--we get a few flakes, and then the sun comes out.  I think the mountains are getting some, but not enough to relieve the drought conditions.  Saturday, Bode had another swim lesson.  No pictures this time--we think the camera has been making him nervous (not really).  We should have taken movies, because he did great this time.  He floated as a starfish for five seconds, and would then flip over on his face and swim to the wall.  He even "sat-dove" in the water from the side.  He's not quite in the "Sea Otter" category, but we think he'll be there in a couple weeks.  We've decided to have him take two lessons a week, so the additional exposure should be good for him.

I woke up this morning, and realized Harley was in a tizzy.  I looked outside and saw this:
You can probably see Harley (the black shape near the right-middle).  She was running back and forth along the fence line.  If you look above her and to her left, you might be able to make out five or six deer.  I took a zoomed shot, but the focus was not good...
There was also this lone female, sitting down by herself.  She's just about in the exact center of the photograph.
It is neat having all these deer around.  Of course, where there is food, there are predators.  We have never seen any mountain lions, and I don't think there have been any in our neighborhood in years.  Still, it'd be quite a shock to run into big cat while getting the newspaper early in the morning.

We took Bode bowling this afternoon.  We brought the camera, but sadly, we left it in the car.  Little man did great--was running up to the lane with the ball and throwing in down the alley.  He got two spares (although the bumpers get an assist).  Now, we're just hanging out.  For lunch, we went to Firehouse Subs.  Bode got this cool fireman's hat.
Another week of work ahead.  Only two years, three months, eighteen days until I am eligible to retire. With my luck, just as I can retire, the government will be insolvent, so no pension :-(  Pleasant week to all.

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