Sunday, January 27, 2013

More Swimming and the Broadmoor

We had quite the weekend.  Saturday, Bode had his second swim lesson at Donna's Dolphins.  Here are some action photos.  I can't provide much commentary because I was not at the lesson.  Ashley said Bode did great.  He listened to all the instructions, did everything he was told, and was starting to look comfortable in the water.  She said it was very funny when Bode went down the slide (last picture).  He'd never gone down a slide into the water like this one, so at the bottom, he puts the breaks on and comes to a halt, not knowing he should have kept going into the pool.  Very cute.
The reason I did not go to the swim lesson is I ran a race Saturday morning.  Nothing major--four miles.  My goal time for a great race was 26:00, and I ran a 26:19, so I was very pleased (~6:35 per mile pace).  In Colorado Springs, this is good enough for EIGHTH PLACE in my age group.  Yes, 8th.  Usually, I was in the top three or four in local races in Dayton.  And it's not that I'm slower--the pace for this distance this early in the year was very good (for me).  Oh well...I guess I'll have to train harder :-)

Today was a day to eat.  We went to the Broadmoor for their famous Sunday brunch.  We ate a small dinner Saturday night, and Ashley and I both worked out early Sunday morning.  Come brunch, we were famished.  Even Bode knew not to eat so much for breakfast because we were heading to a major buffet.  We decided to wear our nice clothes, probably because we rarely have an occasion to do so.  Before we left and since the day was lovely, we decided to take some pictures.  First up is Bode and Mommy.
Next, Mommy took a picture of Daddy and "Hollywood."
Of course, Bode wanted to take a picture of Daddy and Mommy.  Evidently he needs to point the camera a little higher.
We drove to the Broadmoor in the Beamer, parked, and walked to the feast.  Hard to believe it is January in Colorado...
We had about ten minutes to spare, so we sat by the fountain.  In this first picture, I look a little stiff.
Mommy suggested we loosen up a bit, and nothing loosens us up like the Tickle Monster.
The food smelled great, and we were getting anxious to eat.  Fortunately, our name was called and we headed inside.
We had a great meal--eggs, sausage, bacon, salmon, gigantic shrimp, duck, roast beef, an assortment of fruits, pancakes, waffles, and a bunch of desserts.  I think we both made three trips--but we didn't really pile on the food like we could when we were younger :-)  Bode ate his fill, and really enjoyed the chocolate fountain.
Before going home, we decided to walk around the property to try to burn off some of those pounds.  A passerby was kind enough to take our picture.  I've no idea what Bode was doing...
We were lazy this afternoon.  Bode and I went up to the pool for about an hour, and now I'm really feeling the effects--I think I've mentioned how tired I am after we go swimming.  It's only 4:45, and I'm ready for bed :-)  Pleasant week to all.

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