Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Zoo (Again)

We went to the zoo today with Eric, Kristin, Rylan, and Brenna.  The weather was perfect--55-60 degrees and sunny.  We had hoped the animals would be up and about, as opposed to just lying there.  We were not disappointed.  When we arrived, we got a good shot of the kiddos.  They were very excited to be at the zoo.
Next, it was time to feed the giraffes, always a crowd favorite.
The zoo has a big moose.  I'm amazed how large these things are.  For perspective, here's a shot of Ashley.  Look at the size of the moose!  For a relative measure, Ashley weighs 230 :-)
The mountain lions were very active--I have never seen cats like this.  Their cage is right next to the wolves' cage, and the wolves were running around.  We heard one of the cats growling.  We aren't sure what the issue was, but it certainly was intimidating.
After a fine lunch of greasy hamburgers and hotdogs, we rode the merry-go-round.  For future reference, we need to do this before lunch :-)
We had a lovely time at the zoo.  Now, it's Sunday afternoon, Bode is watching a movie, Ashley is on her computer, and I'm fixing to read a book.  I hope you all are as lazy as we are :-)  Pleasant week to all!

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