Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Houston Wedding

This past weekend, we went to Houston for a wedding.  Ashley's second cousin, Josh, got married to a lucky young gal named Sarah.  Ashley and Bode flew out Friday morning.  I had to teach, and flew down in the afternoon, making it in time for some of the rehearsal dinner.  Here are some pictures--it was great to see the extended Rankin Family.  First up is Penny (mother of the groom and Ashley's first cousin), with her daughter, Chelsea, and the bride, Sarah.
Next we have Callie and Criquet (yes, that is her name).  It looks like Criquet had a bit too much to drink.  Don't worry, she's almost in high-school.
Obviously she wasn't really drunk--just a horrible picture of her (so next time you see a "drunk" star in those supermarket tabloids, realize you might not be getting the entire truth.)  Here is a good one of Ashley and Penny.
The rehearsal dinner was very nice.  Afterwards, we went to bed--Bode slept with Mommy on one of our beds which meant I got to spread out in a whole bed on my own.  Ah, it's the little things...

The next day, the wedding wasn't until 6 pm.  Therefore, we spent some time at the pool...although the water was chilly.  Here are Bode and me contemplating on whether we can stand the pain of getting into the frigid water.
After our (brief) swim, we cleaned up and went to the movies.  After some arguments with the GPS, we were able to find the theater.  We saw "Hotel Transylvania" and it was a good kid's movie.  I don't think it will be a classic like Aladdin or anything like that, but the kiddos enjoyed it.  Afterwards, Bode and I napped, and then it was time to get in our fancy duds and go to a wedding.  The ceremony was nice--short, unlike a Catholic service--and before we knew it, we were at the dinner.  Here's a shot of Bode with Teddy and Charlie.
Next we have a great shot of Penny and Milton (Josh's parents) with their other three kids.  Yup, all daughters.  This first one was cheap...the next three weddings will cost them :-)
Here's a great picture of JoAnne with Josh
and a goofy one of David and me...
Not sure why I was so excited.  Maybe I was thrilled to know Sunday morning I could sleep in.  At some point the DJ started playing music, and then Bode hit the dance floor with Mommy.
They were very cute scooting around the dance floor.  Hopefully he continues to dance--it's the best way to meet the ladies (so I'm told; I s*ck at dancing, much to Ashley's angst).  The reception went into the night, but we left early.  "Bode" was tired (and so was I...)

Sunday, we woke up and had a nice big breakfast at the hotel with the family.  We got home around four in the afternoon, in plenty of time to watch the mighty Steelers beat the Bengals (yes, we have stopped watching Auburn football...just too sad).  Pleasant week to all.

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