Sunday, December 4, 2011

Bode's Birthday Party

Yesterday was Bode's Birthday Bash (check out that alliteration). We had the party at Bounce U, which is just a place with all sorts of bouncy things--we certainly weren't going to host 20 kids at our house :-) We invited the kids in Bode's preschool class and some neighbors. The kids had a blast. Here are some of the action photos. First is a shot of Bode taking some BP. Air blew up through that cone and the ball simply hovered there. He's getting quite adept at hitting, although he did have a few whiffs.
The highlight for the kids had to have been the big slide. At first, Bode didn't want to do it. However, Mommy convinced him to try it (I think she just wanted to do it).
After the first go, all he wanted to do was the slide. There was a constant stream of kids going up and down the slide. They seemed to have a blast, even when they went barreling into one another.
Next up was an obstacle course. Here's Bode climbing up the back of one of the obstacles.
During a break, it was time for a group photograph. It was hard to get them to sit still, but we managed to get a few shots. First was smiles, and then funny faces.
After the playing, it was time for pizza, juice, cake, and presents. Note in the invitations, we stated gifts weren't necessary, but some folks brought them anyways. Bode is spoiled :-)
At one point, the lights were turned down and we sang Happy Birthday.
After the cake, they put Bode in the big chair, and we all gathered around to watch him open his presents. All the kids were so excited.
Afterwards, BounceU provided gift-bags for all the kids, which was a nice touch. All the kids (and the adults too) had a wonderful time. Bode fell asleep on the drive home.

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