Sunday, August 28, 2011

Last Summer Swim

Summer is quickly coming to an end. Today was the last Sunday before Labor Day weekend. Temperatures were in the low 80's, and Bode wanted to go to the pool. We figured we wouldn't have many more swimming opportunities, so we decided to brave the elements and go swimming.

We went a little after 2:00, and there was hardly anyone there. You'd think temperatures were in the 60's. We got there and grabbed a table, something that is usually impossible to do unless you get there right when the park opens. Here's a picture of Bode eyeing things.
Next is a picture of Ashley in a swim-suit. She'll probably wring my neck for putting this on the web...
The water was, well, not warm. Bode loves the big waterfall pool, which is I think the place in the park where new water is introduced. This means the water is probably straight from the tap and hasn't had the luxury of any solar heating. Ashley barely put her feet in, while I braved the cold and splashed around with the little dude, which was fun except when he kicked a bunch of water and got my delicate tummy wet.
We spent a couple hours at the pool. The best part of the day is adult swim, which means everyone under 18 has to get out of the pool. This includes the water slides, making the once lengthy wait next to nothing. Here is a series of photos of me going down the big yellow slide. The burst mode on our little camera is pretty cool--I don't know how fast the lens shutters, but it was fast enough to catch me going down the slide :-)
We really enjoyed our time at the pool this summer. We're going to have to find something for Bode to do as the weather gets colder. We're thinking of doing gymnastics, but we'll have to see if that is something he'd want to do.

Speaking of Bode, he did something rather amusing. Ashley was watching a video on our portable DVD player (getting ready to teach her aerobics class). Bode went over to her, saw what she was doing, pressed pause on the DVD player, and said, "I need you to get something out of my closet." As amusing as this was, Ashley did explain to him the proper etiquette.

Big week for us. Saturday is the Auburn home-opener against...Utah State? Hmmm...not really scheduling heavy-weights, are they? Saturday is also the Alter 5k run, in which Ashley and I are both running. Here's hoping we can make it :-) Pleasant week to all.

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