Sunday, June 5, 2011

Nine Cubic Yards

Summer is here! To kickoff this fantastic time of year, we signed Bode up for swim lessons. The first one was Saturday, which seemed like a great idea. However, we chose the 0930 start-time. Overnight temperatures were in the low 60's and the pool's heater broke on Thursday. Suffice it to say, the water was C-O-L-D. You could hear many parents inhale deeply was we entered the water. Bode was not a fan of the cold, and cried for five minutes. He wanted me to carry him, and then we sat on the edge of the pool.
Sadly (fortunately), there was lightening in the area, and we had to prematurely end the lesson.

Today, we went to park just up the street that has both playground equipment and water / splashy stuff (Bode's words). First, we stayed on dry land. Bode is quite the little climber. Below is an action sequence of Bode getting to the top of the structure and taking the big slide down.
Next, we headed over to the wetlands. Bode is always a little tentative about getting wet, so he had to study the landscape before commencing.
He quickly loses his fear, and before you know it, he's sopping wet.
He even managed to get me to play a bit.
Yes, I am wearing a Mississippi State football shirt. We were working in the yard before coming to the water park (more on that later), and I am supposed to wear my "bad" clothes when working in the yard (Heaven forbid I get dirt on any Auburn attire).

Below are a few more action shots from the water park. He really loves it, and we enjoy not having to entertain him :-)
We then headed back to dry land. Bode wanted to do some teeter-tottering with Mommy.
Finally, the kiddo played on the smaller apparatus, climbing, running, and sliding.
We had a very busy weekend. We ordered nine cubic yards of mulch, and spent about seven hours spreading it around the yard. It looks great...if only mulch looked good for more than two weeks.

Harley is doing awesome. We think she must like it here. I left the fence open earlier this afternoon. We probably didn't realize this for twenty minutes or so. Ashley asked me if I'd seen the dog, and I said I had not. We looked around the house, didn't see her, and then went out back. Immediately I noticed the open gate, so I raced around to the front of the house. The little pup is just sitting by the front door, wanting to come inside. Such a good girl.
Yes, she is getting bigger. Pleasant week to all.

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