Sunday, May 22, 2011


I can't believe we've had Harley for over a month. Since we see her every day, we don't realize how quickly she's growing. Friends that see her every couple of weeks are amazed by how much she's changed. Here are some recent photos. This first shot is from a few weeks ago. Note she still seems small next to Ashley, but she's a lot heavier than the 11 pounds she was when we got her.
Next we have me and the girl in a tug-of-war. I'm still able to win these battles.
Finally, here are some cute shots of Harley taking a nap. She'd been up and about all day, so poor little thing was exhausted.
Evidently she likes the pillows we have in the living room.

Despite the lack of photographs, Bode is still the jewel of the family :-) He's really becoming this little person, and we wonder where he learns to say certain things. For example, Ashley asked Bode for the camera. His response: "I'll give it to you shortly." It's also funny when he gets a bit confused. Ashley said, "Boy, Harley is pooped." Bode was very worried Harley had gone to the bathroom in the house. It took some time to convince him she hadn't. Ashley then tried to explain that words can have multiple meanings (i.e. homonyms). He's not quite there yet...

Four-day week for us, as we are taking Friday off. Pleasant week to all.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

We know just what you mean about words with different meanings. We tried to explain to our kids the difference between "but" and "butt". The concept has not been well understood. :)