Saturday, April 2, 2011

What Do Tigers Dream of?

Time for some comic relief. After the winter we've had, we can use a good laugh. As many know, I play the piano, and have been doing so for going on ten years. After watching the movie, The Hangover, for about the tenth time, I decided to learn "Stu's Song." Below is my rendition after a little bit of practice. Before you comment, yes, I know, my singing is HORRIBLE. Ashley encouraged me to put this on the blog for entertainment purposes (not musical entertainment; comedic). Hopefully you enjoy it.
I just finished a pretty brutal travel schedule. Since St. Patrick's Day, I have been on four trips (St Louis, California, St Louis again, and Atlanta). I'm ready to be home for awhile (but I think Ashley has some travel in April...)

Bode is doing great. He made us proud the other day and peed in the sink at daycare. Yes, you read that correctly. Little man peed in the sink. The teachers thought it was hilarious because they don't think he meant to do it. It was right after nap, and they think he was still in that awake/sleep state. They helped him unsnap his pants, and next thing they knew, Bode was firing away into the sink. At least he found some sort of drain.

We are looking for a dog. We went to a rottweiler breeder. They had 13 rotties in their barn. I thought it was pretty cool, although they barked all the time, and the smell was a little different than that which my suburban nostrils are accustomed. They have two litters due some time in April, so we'll see if we find a puppy we adore.

Pleasant week to all.

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