Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bode Jackson, Egg Hunter

For Easter, Ashley was kind enough to "hide" eggs from Bode in the backyard, even though it was somewhat damp. Here's a movie of the little man finding some eggs in plain sight.
The little fellow gets sooo excited when he finds an egg. He's also quite fond of the chocolate inside. He must get that from his mother...

Harley was a big (no) help. She kept chasing after Bode trying to nibble on his shoes. She's getting better in terms of biting, but she'll still put her needle-sharp teeth on you just to say hi. She is getting better with potty training (didn't we just do this?). Just this morning, she finished breakfast and took herself out the doggie door and peed. Such a good dog (she then peed in the hallway, so she's got a ways to go...)
Ashley's parents were here for Easter weekend. Bode managed to get his mitts on the camera and started snapping away. Here are some of the better shots. First, a goofy one of Ashley.
Next, here I am walking down the hallway.
Finally, here are Nana and Papa getting into the X-terra. Yes, the garage is a mess.
Raining (again) here in Dayton. Something like 8+ inches of rain this month, with more forecast for tomorrow. Saturday, Ashley is going to build us that ark. Pleasant evening.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

We are drowning this spring. Dayton has received over 6.5 inches of rain this month alone, with nothing but rain in the five-day forecast. The positive side is things are green, and everyones' lawns are looking spectacular. Last year, we didn't get enough rain. Such strange weather. Like all things that are bad, I blame the lawyers (sorry Uncle John, Cousin Meghan).

In preparation for Easter, Bode and I decided to color some eggs. Here's a picture of Bode anxiously waiting for the color pellets to dissolve.
Next we have the Mad Scientist in action. Note the multiple eggs "brewing" at the same time. It was a pleasure to watch a master egg-dyer like Bode at work.
Here is a cute shot of Bode and me.
Afterwards, the little Dude needed to wash his hands.
Aunt Geri got Bode an Easter present. I didn't know a gift exchange was part of this holiday, but Bode was thrilled. Here he is hopping around.
If you can't tell, it's a little frog with an inflatable ball. Bode can bounce up and down on the thing and scoot around the house like an amphibian. Ribbit ribbit.

Harley update: She's growing. Seems like every day the beast is getting bigger. She does have a lot of the rottie qualities we've seen before: smart, inquisitive, lazy, and loves the belly rub. Here's a shot of the laziness in action.
She's got a little belly on her already (kind of like us all :-) Pleasant Easter to all.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


With winter finally leaving us (we think), there will no longer be any lazy afternoons, curled up beneath a warm blanket. Then again, maybe not...
Hopefully they are both well rested, because we have a new addition to our home. We were going to wait a bit before getting a new dog, but we were missing having a dog in the house, and the right opportunity presented itself. Therefore, I'm proud to introduce Harley, our lovable 11-pound, 6-week old rottie.
We picked her up today, and are slowly adjusting to life with a puppy. Tonight will be tough, as puppies tend to cry (a lot) their first night away from Mommy. We know we have to be firm, but puppy cries are hard to's hoping for some good sleep. Pleasant day.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What Do Tigers Dream of?

Time for some comic relief. After the winter we've had, we can use a good laugh. As many know, I play the piano, and have been doing so for going on ten years. After watching the movie, The Hangover, for about the tenth time, I decided to learn "Stu's Song." Below is my rendition after a little bit of practice. Before you comment, yes, I know, my singing is HORRIBLE. Ashley encouraged me to put this on the blog for entertainment purposes (not musical entertainment; comedic). Hopefully you enjoy it.
I just finished a pretty brutal travel schedule. Since St. Patrick's Day, I have been on four trips (St Louis, California, St Louis again, and Atlanta). I'm ready to be home for awhile (but I think Ashley has some travel in April...)

Bode is doing great. He made us proud the other day and peed in the sink at daycare. Yes, you read that correctly. Little man peed in the sink. The teachers thought it was hilarious because they don't think he meant to do it. It was right after nap, and they think he was still in that awake/sleep state. They helped him unsnap his pants, and next thing they knew, Bode was firing away into the sink. At least he found some sort of drain.

We are looking for a dog. We went to a rottweiler breeder. They had 13 rotties in their barn. I thought it was pretty cool, although they barked all the time, and the smell was a little different than that which my suburban nostrils are accustomed. They have two litters due some time in April, so we'll see if we find a puppy we adore.

Pleasant week to all.