Monday, November 29, 2010

Is He Really Three?

I have been remiss in my posting duties. To make up for it, I will be rather wordy and long-winded, thus upping my word count to an acceptable level for the month :-)

The kiddo is now three. Three. Three! It's cliche to ask where the time has gone, but last time I checked, it was 2008. Didn't Obama just get elected? Oh, that's right, there was another election this November...the Ol' Dems didn't do so well...but I apologize for getting political when I should be discussing the little fellow. First, here's a pic of the little debonair, all gussied up with no place to go...
Actually, he did have somewhere to go. For Thanksgiving dinner, we went over to a friend's house for some food. If you have the chance to go to a friend's place for a big turkey dinner, I highly recommend it. Your own kitchen stays remarkably clean, and there are NO dishes :-)

I must digress very quickly and point out, for those of you that live in a cave (or Nebraska) that Auburn is now 12-0. Can you believe that Iron Bowl victory? You could probably hear Ashley screaming (crying) during the first half. I must admit, I thought Auburn had no chance to win that game after the first quarter. Fortunately, they have some great (paid) players, and were able to pull off the win. Bode was so excited, he fell asleep :-)
On to Atlanta and the SEC Title game. Wareagle! Bode and Ashley each had a birthday. Ashley turned the big 4-0, while Bode turned 0-3 (or as he says, "Free.") He got a ton of presents, mostly the kind that have wheels (trucks, cars, etc.) Here's a video of him (Ashley) opening one of his presents. Obviously he's pretty excited.
Here's a not-so-great shot of Bode, waiting patiently (not patiently) for Mommy to open another one of his trucks.
Finally, here's a shot of our messy living room. It looked like he received more presents than he does on Christmas.
A couple weeks before Bode's birthday, the little dude started wearing Big Boy underwear (yes, you have to say it like this.) He's doing amazingly well. For the entire Thanksgiving weekend, he had ZERO accidents. The only time he's wet is when he wakes up in the morning, and that isn't every morning. Finally, no more stinky diapers!!!

Cold front moving in tonight...might be some freezing rain or even snow (yikes). Why do we live above I-10?

Pleasant week to all.

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