Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bode Comprende

I'm about to use a cliche. Just thought I'd prepare you for it. Are you ready? Here goes. "Bode is growing up so fast." Like you have never heard that before from a parent.

Bode is at the point where he understands just about everything we tell him. Oh, sure, I could use some of my "trying to impress" words if I wanted to baffle him. But as far as every day communication, Bode understands it all. Here are a few examples. The other day, we were in the living room reading books. Bode wanted me to read The Cat in the Hat. I told him it was in his room and that he had to go get it. "Stay here, Daddy," he told me. While I waited, I remembered the book was actually sitting on our (Ashley and my) bed. So I yelled, "Bode, the book is in my room on the bed." "Okay, Daddy," he yelled back. A few seconds later I hear, "I got it Daddy," and then he comes running out to the living room, correct book in hand. As Darth Vadar said to Luke on Bespin, "Impressive. Most impressive." (The Star Wars trilogy has been on TV this weekend).

A phrase we wish he was not as adept at using as he is is (yes, I used 'is' two times in a row; read it again, and you'll realize it is grammatically correct), "I don't like that!" We think the instructors at daycare taught it to the kids and encourage them to use it with the other children. Unfortunately, he uses it with us and at significant volumes. Usually this is met with a sharp rebuke from Mommy and me, but the boy continues to vociferously (yup, that's one of my words to impress) voice his opinions.

It's not just words. He can put different thoughts and ideas together. For example, sometimes Bode only wants Mommy (or Daddy) to do things. I was going to read Green Eggs and Ham to Bode when the little dude says, "No! Mommy read it!" So I acted like I was very sad and put my lower lip out. Bode looks at me and with those puppy dog eyes asks, "You need a hug, Daddy?" Very cute.

We've had a wonderful relaxing Memorial Day Weekend. Today, some friends invited us to their neighborhood pool. We went in the early evening and had a wonderful time. Bode loves the water and spent a majority of the time exploring the kiddie pool. Here are some pictures (you might want to dim your screen so you aren't blinded by Ashley's milk-white body :-)

Auburn Update: Auburn had her first round of chemo on 12 May. She did great, and we haven't noticed any side effects (knock on wood). She'll get another round on Wednesday, 2 June. Hopefully things go as well. Her personality has been great and she's just like her old self. Here are some pictures of her in the yard.
She's able to roam around the entire yard, barks at strangers, howls, and does dog-things. She even buried one of Bode's stuffed animals, which I imagine is hard to do with only one front leg.

Pleasant holiday to everyone.

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