Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bode in the Basket

Bode has toys. Lots of toys. The entire sun room is devoted to Bode's entertainment. He has a train table in his room, he has a lego table in the living room, and now that he knows about DVD's and the stories they can provide (his favorite is Angus Lost), he is encroaching on the office. But with this wealth of toys, this vast cornucopia of entertainment options, how does Bode choose to amuse himself? With a laundry basket. Had we known this a priori, we could have saved a considerable sum of money :-) Here are some action photos.

About three seconds after this last picture was taken, Bode fell face-forward into the wall, which seemed to end his fascination with the basket. He has since moved on to bigger and better things, namely Ashley's exercise ball. Here's a movie of Bode doing a flip.

I need a physician to explain why Bode's shoulders do not dislocate when he does that; I know mine sure would!

Life is grand here in Ohio. We haven't seen the sun since last Wednesday. Someone please verify that it's still there :-) Pleasant day to all.

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