Saturday, January 30, 2010


Today, similar to the previous five days, the high was forecast to be a whopping 22. Yikes. Not much to do outside, so today seemed like the perfect day to take Bode to the Boonshoft Museum, which is basically a kid's museum with lots of things to interest them (little animals, cool displays, etc.) A big bonus is there is also a large play area--well, honestly the whole museum is one big play area--so the kiddos run around and tire themselves out (which is item one on the parental hidden agenda). It opens at 9 am; we pulled into the parking lot at 9:07 and were the second car there. Thus, we had the place to ourselves for a little while. First up was the sandbox...but the great thing is, it's not really sand. It's actually ground up bits of rubber (probably from old tires), so it doesn't stick to you or get in your clothes. The drawback is you can't really build large sand castles because there isn't much adhesion. However, Bode was thrilled to sit, dig, and discover the bones buried underneath.
Here's a shot of me and kid cleaning off what appears to the leg bone from a dinosaur from the Mesozoic era (or it could be a piece of hard plastic shaped as such...)
After some time in the sand, err, rubber-pit, we moved on to the water works. This is simply A-W-E-S-O-M-E. I probably have as much fun as Bode. It's basically just some flowing water that is funneled into different sprinkler-type fixtures. The one shown below makes that cool umbrella pattern that Bode loves to put his hands in and splash around.
What's even cooler is you can build little water highways with some plastic pipes and bends. Here I am directing the water flow towards Bode.
Finally, here's a picture of Bode splashing around. Words cannot describe how much he likes this. Since we arrive early, we get this whole place to ourselves. Later in the day, it is literally packed with kids and father's like me that enjoy constructing water towers.
There is a small Lego-area. Nothing too exciting, although they do have some cool Lego-creations. Bode was more interested in jumping into the tub of Legoes.
There's this cool room that has a big sphere in the middle. The sphere is like a TV screen. This morning, the "movie" playing was about the planet Jupiter, so the ball took on some cool colors and looked just like the solar system's largest planet (yes, I was paying attention to the narration).
There is also a small zoo, but it's all little animals. Below is a woodchuck (groundhog) eating some lettuce. I made sure to inform the little rodent that we do not want six more weeks of winter. Notice that there are no pictures of the giant Burmese python...heaven forbid Bode ever want to become a herpetologist.
There are also little rooms focusing on various parts of every day life. There's a mock courtroom, a dry-goods store, a land-fill, and a recycling center. Bode really likes the garbage truck. It had some cool lights and a horn, and he could put fake trash in the slots on the side, which would then be dumped out the back. Endless entertainment :-)
There is also a huge play area, with large and small slides, climbing nets, and other items designed to fatigue the little ones. Here's a shot of Mommy and Bode in a tunnel. The bad thing about this tunnel was the lack of padding...Mommy was feeling her age when she crawled out.
We spent a solid two hours at the Boonshoft Museum. By then, Bode was tired, and the parking lot was full. We bought a year membership, so if the groundhog does see his shadow, you know where we will be for the next six Saturdays :-) Pleasant day to all.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bode in the Basket

Bode has toys. Lots of toys. The entire sun room is devoted to Bode's entertainment. He has a train table in his room, he has a lego table in the living room, and now that he knows about DVD's and the stories they can provide (his favorite is Angus Lost), he is encroaching on the office. But with this wealth of toys, this vast cornucopia of entertainment options, how does Bode choose to amuse himself? With a laundry basket. Had we known this a priori, we could have saved a considerable sum of money :-) Here are some action photos.

About three seconds after this last picture was taken, Bode fell face-forward into the wall, which seemed to end his fascination with the basket. He has since moved on to bigger and better things, namely Ashley's exercise ball. Here's a movie of Bode doing a flip.

I need a physician to explain why Bode's shoulders do not dislocate when he does that; I know mine sure would!

Life is grand here in Ohio. We haven't seen the sun since last Wednesday. Someone please verify that it's still there :-) Pleasant day to all.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Wow, what a way to ring in the New Year! No, I'm not talking about a bibulous night of drunken debauchery (we were in bed by 10:30 and prefer to celebrate New Year's on Icelandic time...) No, I'm referring to the victory in the Outback Bowl by the mighty Auburn Tigers over the pesky Wildcats of Northwestern high school, err, I mean, from the Big Ten conference. I think Ashley and I each had two major heart events during the game. If you missed it, allow me to give you a brief recap (and also so I can document exactly when the damage to our hearts occurred for our future medical problems...) Auburn jumped out to a quick 14-0 lead, but NW fought back. It was a good game, but by the mid-4th quarter, Auburn was again up by 14, leading 35-21. However, Auburn had intercepted NW five times, so it was like we had a 12th player on our side. NW proceeded to move the ball and scored with ~four minutes to go but they MISSED the extra point. Auburn 35, NW 27. We're up by eight, and I even called a friend and said, "Well, at least we can't lose in regulation." NW tries an onside kick, but Auburn easily recovered it. All they needed was a couple first downs and the game was ours. Ben Tate rushes for an easy eight, and it's looking good. He runs again and FUMBLES! OMG! Now there's less than three minutes, and Auburn's defense looks like the French against the Germans. NW moves the ball, rather easily downfield, but amazingly, Auburn stops them enough to force a 4th down conversion. Auburn blitzes and sacks the NW quarterback. Game over...? NO! There's a penalty on Auburn. While sacking the quarterback, they pulled on the QB's facemask. Oh the humanity! Personal foul and automatic first down! Needless to say, NW quickly scores, but I'm confident Auburn will stop the two-point conversion, and I think they do, until I realize NW was running a trick play. They did a reverse and then passed to a wide open guy in the end-zone. Tie score. Looks like we're going to overtime...except Auburn FUMBLES THE KICK-OFF. Oh the humanity (again)! Now we're really worried, as there's about a minute to go. NW again easily drives down the field and tries a~37-yard field goal with seconds to go. Fortunately it was WIDE RIGHT! Overtime. Auburn gets the ball first, and Ben Tate runs the ball down to the NW five-yard line. NW couldn't stop him (except when he fumbled). So I'm clueless as to why the next three plays were either Kody Burns runs or some lame pass attempts. The result? An Auburn field-goal, and we lead 38-35. A good thing, except for the fact our defense had not stopped NW in a long time. NW gets a first down near the Auburn 12 or 13. We're worried. Then, they get sacked for a big loss. Auburn forces NW to try a FG. Same kid who just recently missed at the end of regulation. He's long enough...and IT HITS THE RIGHT UPRIGHT. NO GOOD...? Except there's a flag. Auburn roughed the kicker! (Bode, earmuffs) F---!!!!!! Personal foul, automatic first down. It's not looking good. NW drives the ball inside the ten yard line, and we're really worried. Somehow, the boys muster a good defensive stand, and it's 4th and goal from the four yard line. NW brings out a different kicker because their primary kicker was injured when Auburn roughed him (it looked pretty bad--knee got taken out). The announcers are talking about the back-up kicker as he's setting up. The camera is focused on him. But then, there's some commotion. NW was running another trick play. They did a quick snap, fumble-rooski type play to try to catch Auburn off-guard. Instead of a FG, it's a fake! We see the NW guy trying to get the corner, but somehow the Auburn defender fought off the block and knocked him out of bounds at the two yard line. We hesitate-any flags? No. GAME OVER! THEY WON! THEY WON THE FIRST GAME OF 2010! And then we collasped, exhausted.

After the game, Ashley lay there, elated, but tired. Bode came over to play with her. They were having a great time...
until Bode jumped on Mommy's tummy. Ouch! Mommy's down!Fortunately, she was ok. I told her she obviously needs to do more situps to strengthen her abs. She was not amused.

Here's a good shot of me and the Bode-man playing with his Legos. He's able to put them together and take them apart...although his favorite seems to be building the big tower and then pushing it over.Finally, here's a good picture of me and the little Dude.We had a wonderful holiday break, but like all breaks, it ended and we went back to work this week. It's bitterly cold here. I don't think the high has been above freezing all decade :-) Plesant day to all.