Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nocturnal Activities

With the end of daylight savings time, we've found that we are getting home just as it's getting dark. Thus, our evening walks around the block sometimes don't happen, as the season change makes it a chit billy (I'm speaking runny babbit), and also the lack of light makes it somewhat precarious to walk. So we've had to find ways to fill our evenings. A lot of nights are spent in front of the computer. Bode loves listening/watching music videos on youtube. We're also a big fan of Skype, a wonderful (and free--maybe the government will tax it to pay for health-care) technology that lets us video-phone with our relatives. I'm amazed how quickly Bode has learned everyone's names. Here he is speaking with his 'Nana.
It's rather amusing whenever Bode sees Nana on the screen. He has a (bad) habit of saying hello to everyone NOT pictured. For example, if Nana is the only one on the screen, Bode repeatedly says, "Papa. Papa. Papa," until his Granddad shows up. If both are present, he'll say, "Ally" which is the name of their little French bulldog (you can kinda of see her on Nana's lap in the picture). Bode can't quite work the computer on his own, but I imagine it's only a matter of time before he has it mastered. After that, he'll be wanting an iPhone...

Bode loves books. Sometimes he wakes up and his first words are, "Book. Book. Book." He is not sticking to one particular genre, as his favorites (today) are a Star Wars pop-up book (go figure), a book called Pete the Cat, which Ashley and I read to him (I narrate, Ashley sings...Auburn howls the whole time). He also likes the Dr. Seuss collection, Carl the Rottweiler, Moo Baa La La La, and, of course Good Night Moon. Here's a shot of Bode and me sitting on the couch reading.We had a nice weekend (for November). We were able to get to the park and relax for a few minutes. Bode wanted to swing the entire time. You see that big slide/jungle-gym piece of equipment in the picture below? Bode spent all of 30 seconds on that.
The rest of the time, he swung, and if we took him out, he cried and wailed. I wouldn't have minded so much but the point of the park is to tire him out. Unfortunately, swinging doesn't involve much energy expenditure from the little dude...Ashley and I had to do all the work.

I've been back at work for eight days now. Thank heavens yesterday was Veteran's Day because after seven whole work-days, I needed some rest :-) Pleasant day to all.

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