Friday, October 23, 2009

Bryson City and Santa Land

As you may or may not know, I'm currently in the midst of 22 days off from work (yes, that's 22; for you Romans or Super Bowl numerologists, it's XXII). Why so many days? I started a new job with Air Force Research Laboratory (I'm still in the Air Force--I finished at AFIT in early October). The best time to take a large chunk of leave is between jobs because you have no responsibilities whatsoever. I don't even have an email account at my new job, so I won't be returning to a full inbox (rather, no least for a little while). Plus, I have over 60 (LX) days leave saved up (which, as Ashley has pointed out, means I haven't taken off near enough time). The end result is that I'm not working until November.

Unfortunately, Ashley still has to work (and hard at that; God bless her). However, she was able to sneak away from the chains of the office for a few days allowing us to make a speedy trip down to Bryson City, North Carolina, and visit her parents (she did bring her work computer--damn you ITT). We had a nice little visit. We went to a craft fair in Asheville, enjoyed the beauty of the fall colors, and played with the Little Man. One day, we went down to the metropolis that is Bryson City. There were some neat little shops and a train that goes around town--"Choo" as Bode says. One of the shop-vendors gave Bode his first lollipop which he loved.We also went to Santa Land in nearby Cherokee. There were rides, a little zoo, Santa, and of course, lunch.As you can see, Bode loves his fries. Well, maybe not the fries. It's more the ketschup that he likes. In fact, when the fries are gone, he'll just eat ketschup as is. Yum yum. After lunch, we went on some rides. Fortunately, they were rather tame, so no one got sick.Bode loved driving the pink bus--he was steering the wheel and saying "Vroom vroom." The boat wasn't near as fun. The best ride was probably the ferris wheel. When they came over the top, Bode said, "Wheeeeeeee!"
There were animals to pet
and goldfish to feed from a paddle boat (tons of them!)And when it was all said and done, we needed to call our peeps and tell them about how much fun we had!Pleasant day.

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