Monday, February 16, 2009

First Haircut

We achieved another first today in the life of B. McGuirk. Being President's Day, I, of course, was off from work (just like Congress, although I only get today off; they're taking the entire week). Bode, Nana, and I had a nice morning, playing, and then Nana treated me to a sandwich at Jersey Mikes (yum yum). Ashley had to go in to the office, but cut out around 2:30. After Bode woke up from a nice nap and had a snack, we all headed to the Super Cuts for Bode's first haircut.

I think the following pictures adequately describe how the trip went. First, we have Bode sitting in the chair, his hair a ragged, unkempt mess. Obviously the boy needs a trim.
Things started off well. He didn't put up too much of a fuss when Alicia (Bode's stylist) put on the neck cloth and apron.
Alicia wet Bode's hair, and things went from good...
to worst. Little guy was crying, tears were flowing, and we thought we might have to prematurely end our little outing.Fortunately, Bode discovered the comb he was holding in his hands. Oddly enough, he was soothed simply by rubbing his fingers along the comb's teeth. After that, it was smooth sailing the rest of the way.At least until the end, when Bode didn't want to give the comb back.Being his first hair cut and all, Alicia let Bode keep the comb, thus ensuring we would return for future haircuts. Quite a transformation from the raggedy guy that came into the store just ten minutes ago.I better notify daycare they got trouble coming tomorrow in the likes of a smooth criminal by the name of Bode McGuirk. Moms, better keep your girls at home :-)

Pleasant Day.

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