Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bode the Bully

The other day, Ashley went to day care to pick up Bode. Usually Bode gets very excited to see either of us when we go get him. It's actually quite sweet. He'll see us and sort of laugh/smile. Then, he'll crawl as fast as he can over to us, and pull himself up and stand in front of us. If we don't pick him up then and there, he'll start to wail. Ashley was expecting a similar reaction--she's gotten used to being greeted with such enthusiasm. However, this day was different. Ashley had arrived during snack time. Bode was seated at the little table and chairs with a fig newton in each hand. Bode sort of glared at Mommy, sensing she might try to take away his cookies. He quickly started gnawing on the cookie in one hand, shoving as much as he could into his mouth before moving on to the next. Ashely sort of laughed and proceeded to the sign-out log. She made some small talk with one of the ladies in the room until she heard a kid start screaming. Ashley looked over to see that Bode had finished his cookies, gotten up from the table, and stolen another kid's cookies--he'd taken them right out of the kid's hand. Evidently, the little Bode-man is a cookie freak...I wonder where he gets that from?

Here's a quick movie of Bode doing the assisted-walking thing while listening to some crazy techno music.

Bode's hair has gotten quite long, and we think we might have to get it trimmed. I told Ashley I could take him to the base barber, point at my hair, and say, "Put this do on that kid's head." Well Ashley doesn't really want to torture the kid because, for some reason, she really doesn't like my hair cut. There's a place down the street that cuts kid's hair, so we might try that later. Here's a shot of Bode shortly after waking up...he's got kind of a Dr. Emmet Brown (Back to the Future) thing going .Note the tongue sticking out. He seems to be doing this quite a lot, especially when he's thinking. Either that or he's been spending too much time with Dudley and Auburn. The weather is starting to get a little cooler, so Bode is having to abandon his t-shirt, shorts, and bare-feet look for the long-sleeves and pants. Here he is all decked after a nice breakfast of fruit and pancakes-a-la-Daddy. Doesn't his hair look "slick?" Note also the ubiquitous tongue...Here are some book ideas if you're into the reading thing. I finished reading The Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. It was good--the last book was somewhat disappointing, and I didn't like how it ended. However, these four books held positions 1,2,3, and 5 on USA Today's top selling books of the summer quarter, so the masses seem to enjoy them. I also read Third Degree by Greg Iles (very good). If you are too happy and need to become depressed, Cormac McCarthy will do the trick. I read No Country for Old Men (see the movie if you don't like to read) and also The Road. I guess they're very good from a literary stand point, but, like I said, not real pick-me-ups. I'm currently reading World Without End (good so far) and Ashley is reading The Count of Monte Cristo (a classical masterpiece). If you're really really bored, go here: You'll be thrilled :-)

No big plans for today. We'll probably do some work around the house (Ashley wants to take down some wall paper), and then watch the Steelers-Bungles (Bengals) game.

Pleasant Sunday.

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