Monday, September 8, 2008

The Same Bode?

First and foremost: Auburn won on Saturday. It was a ho-hum game against Southern Mississippi, although Auburn did play much better than last week. The offense piled up yards, and the contest wasn't ever in doubt. The final score was 27-13, but Auburn fumbled twice in the first quarter inside the opponents 10-yard line. Hopefully they learn to wipe the grease off their hands before playing. Bode was, as expected, thrilled with the outcome.This week, Auburn has an SEC game against Mississippi State, a team they (horrifically) lost to last season. I think Auburn will be a heavy favorite going into the game; let's keep our fingers crossed.

I was going through some old pictures of Bode. Well, old isn't really the right word since he is only 9-months. What surprised me is that Bode doesn't really look like the original Bode we brought home from the hospital. You be the judge. First, here he is when he's about three weeks old.Now here's a shot of him before the Auburn game on Saturday, nine months later.
Is this really the same kid? Obviously he's grown some--probably tripled in weight--mostly in his head and gut-- and gotten a little longer (I can't really say "taller" until he's standing on his own). He also has a lot more hair, and his face is starting to develop its own unique features. He still has that "baby look" (although he's lost that new baby smell), but he also has some features and expressions that are unique to him. He's definitely a little person with his own personality rather than just some little creature that gurgles and cries every so often (although he was crying last night at 0400...little guy is starting to become rather attached to Mommy).

Well, nothing else exciting to report. We had a lazy weekend--lots of football (Go Steelers!!) intermixed with trying to entertain Bode. In our (little) spare time, we read some. Ashley is reading Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith and I'm (embarrassingly) reading the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. For those that don't know, her books are hot sellers in the "teenage girl" category, so I have to act like I'm buying them for my daughter when I go to the store... They are a good story and easy to read especially if you have to stop every other line to say, "Bode, put that down." The little dude is getting into everything.

Pleasant week to you all.

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