Monday, July 28, 2008

Vacation Post #4: The Events

Our week at Tybee Island was packed with activities. Well, maybe not packed. Sprinkled with activities but with plenty of time left for leisure. Ashley, Bode, and I would start each day with a walk on the beach. Bode really seemed to enjoy the ocean, although the one time we tried putting him in the water, he cried like he was being given shots. However, provided he remained in his stroller, he was quite content.On Monday, we went in to the city of Savannah. It's very beautiful there, and since there would be so much to photograph, I forgot to bring my camera (stupid, stupid Jeffy). The parks and houses in the old section of town are quite charming. For lunch, the entire group ate at Paula Dean's restaurant. Afterwards, we walked around town, going into various shops but not really finding anything that tickled our fancies.

On Tuesday, seven of us went golfing (Milton, Josh, David, Jason, Frank, Ashley, and me). Nana et al. were kind enough to watch the children. Fortunately, I did remember to bring my camera . The following sequence shows Ashley smashing one off the tee.

Ashley had her best day ever on a golf course and shot a 48-56 for a 104. The 48 was the first time she broke 50 for nine holes, so it does seem the less she practices, the better she gets. Ashley was kind enough to take a picture of me mid-swing. I think the shot was actually quite bad (I blame shutter noise).

On Wednesday, a gaggle of us went to the movies (it looked like it might rain). Dave, Kathy, Jason, Ashley, Josh, and I saw The Dark Knight while Chelsea, Cricket, and Callie went to Wall E. We thought The Dark Knight was great--the Joker was really cool. We did think Batman could have used a lozeng (you'll get the joke once you see the movie); otherwise, it was top marks. Wednesday night, we feasted at a sea food joint called Uncle Bubba's Oyster House (again, I forgot the camera). Thursday was another day to relax, and Ashley and I spent some quality time swimming in the ocean and hanging with the little man. We also took some time to shoot some family photos.Friday, six of us went miniature golfing. Josh managed to win with Jason a close second (the rest of the finishing order is not important, but you can probably guess that since I'm not mentioning it, I finished near the bottom).

Friday night, we again dined on seafood at The Crabtrap. Ashley and I ate shrimp and crab legs, and realized cuisine in Ohio is severely lacking. After dinner, Ashley went on a ghost-tour of Savannah with Penny, Milton, Chelsea, JoAnne, and David. Ashley loved it and highly recommends it to anyone that is going to Savannah.

Sadly, the vacation came to an end early Saturday morning. Ashley, Bode, and I hit the road at 0600 and got all the way to Kentucky before having to stop. Sunday morning, we got home to two excited doggies and a mountain of mail. We are amazed how well Bode did in the car. He napped a lot and seemed content to sit in his chair and play with his toys. Here's a final shot of Bode napping while holding his giraffe.We had a wonderful vacation and look forward to the next one. When do we leave?

Pleasant day to all.

1 comment:

RockyMtnCyclist said...

Tybee Island is so great. Did Vern tell you about it? I love the pictures of the beach. Bode looks like a future surfer dude if I ahve ever seen one.