Friday, November 30, 2007

First Pics

If you have come to this site, you most likely care about the pictures of Bode Jackson McGuirk, born 28 November 2007 at 9:58 PM. These are shown below. We will be using this site to post pictures as Bode grows up. We won't send out mass emails every time this site is updated, so check back as often as you like, add the site to your favorites, make comments if you wish, or simply enjoy anonymously. These images were taken about 20 minutes after Bode was born. I've no idea who he looks likes; I've never been good at recognizing resemblances in babies. His hair was light brown and he has brown eyes, and he also has a Simean crease on his right hand. This is when one of those dark lines on the palms of your hand runs straight across rather than curving upward. Evidently this is not too common because two docs commented on it.
No major news to report today other than Mom is recovering nicely, and we hope to go home tomorrow. Then, we will take pictures of the whole family (dogs included).
Happy Friday.


Mike Sans1 said...

Need to get some new bedding, someone ruined one of the pictures by putting in a Steelers beanie. I'll send you one from the Cowboys to fix it.

RockyMtnCyclist said...

Congratulations. We look forward to watching Bode grow up on the blog. I figured that Bode would be born orange and blue since I thought both of you bled Auburn colors.

CH said...
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CH said...

How it ends? but it never ends. Like Bode, I was born by Cesarean, the easy get it off the hook quick method - for the baby - what happens next... is the endless reminders without fail at every birthday of how much the happy mother had to suffer through it all. We don't measure age by years, no, it all can be measured by how much the scar story gets bigger. And the scalpel, oh my Goodness, how huge that ever was!

And we love our mothers.

Undoubtedly, the story won't end. If I understand the math explained below, it seems we'll have a Bode Plot: Episode II, release date October 11. Just counting weeks and months.

Here are my most heartfelt congratulations.

Your snow shoveling neighbors.

Runningsmarter said...

Congratulations Jeff & Ashley and welcome to the world little Bode :)

Very interesting writing Jeff, I'm used to reading blogs from other moms so it's interesting to get a Dad's perspective.

Again Congrats!! And glad to hear mom and baby are doing well.

Amie S.