Monday, January 20, 2020

Lego McGuirks

For Christmas, Ashley had our trip to Jordan Hare stadium Legoized.  She sent some company a couple pictures of the three of us, and they then created a pretty neat looking Lego picture.  First, here are the pictures Ashley sent.
Based on the photos above, we received the following.
I think it's pretty cool, although I don't think the my Lego hair is an accurate portrayal.  Otherwise, it is spot-on :-)

Bode had a swim meet yesterday, so we spent the morning sitting on some pool-deck bleachers, which really helps to flatten our behinds.  Bode swam four events:  100-free, 50-back, 50-butterfly, and the 200-free.  He did great in all four, shaving 1 - 2 seconds off his personal best times in the first three events while shaving 11 seconds off his 200-free time.  In the 100-free, it looked like he went out too fast, so coach told him to concentrate on technique the first 100, and then pour on the speed the second 100.  I'm very impressed that he actually did what he wanted to do.  Here are some action photos.  First, we have Bode getting ready behind the blocks.
Here's Bode during the 100-free.
The start of the back-stroke is always kind of neat.
 I like this next one, as it shows Bode just emerging from the underwater portion of his backstroke.
We are very proud of how hard Bode has worked, both in swimming and in school; keep up the great work, little buddy :-)

On a much sadder note, I am headed to Pennsylvania this week for a funeral.  My Aunt Geri died suddenly--she was in great health, but got an infection, and that's all it took.  She's gone much too soon, and she will be missed by so many people.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Polar Plunge

Since it is the start of the new year, we decided to again do the polar (temperate) plunge.  Similar to last year, Ashley volunteered to be the cinematographer of the event, thereby allowing her to stay dry.  The sun was shining and the temperatures were moderate, so we headed out, excited for the start of 2020.
Bode and I paused for a photo on the dock.
The water was quite low so instead of jumping in, I eased into the water.  It was surprisingly (shockingly) cold!
Happy 2020 to all!