Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Weekend

We had a busy (sort of) weekend.  Friday evening, we decided to color the Easter eggs.  Bode has mastered the art of egg-dying over the past decade, so he called the shots.  First, here's a picture of Bode getting ready.
Next, we have Bode brewing a batch of eggs.  Note also the shirt that Bode is wearing--this will be a theme over the weekend.
We colored a good three dozen eggs.  Here's a shot of them drying.
We woke up early on Saturday and did some yard work--leaf-raking, garden tending, etc.  At some point, we're going to have to mow--I guess that's what we get for putting in sod.  Ashley and I also went running and did some exercise.  Saturday evening, we met JoAnne and Frank for dinner at AJ's.  The food was great--Ashley and I shared a seafood platter.  They had a little set up in preparation for Easter Sunday, so we took advantage and got some pictures.  Now, these are from SATURDAY.  The egg-dying was on FRIDAY.  Note the shirt Bode is wearing...
We woke up early Sunday morning and went paddle boarding--weather was perfect, but not quite swimming weather (yet).  The Easter Bunny came and brought lots of chocolate and an Easter basket.  He brought this funny little duck that sings.  Bode and I got a kick out of it.  The movie is a little blurry at the start, so I apologize for that.
Did you notice that Bode is still in the SAME SHIRT and it's now Sunday morning?  We need to have a little talk about hygiene with lad.  We had fun looking for the eggs.  It took us a little while, but we were able to find all 36 of them.
Ashley and I are gearing up for some Game of Thrones tonight.  Otherwise, it's rather dull, which is a wonderful way to spend an April evening.  Pleasant week to all.

Sunday, April 14, 2019


If you've been to our house, you know our back yard (and yard is a loosely used term) is not very grassy.  This is fine, except when it rains.  Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Doo (aka Joey and Barkley) will track mud throughout the house because the yard is a bit of a mud-pit.  We decided to put down some sod--we had some left over when we did the garden, and it took very well.  Thus, we got two pallets (about 900 square feet) of sod on Friday evening.  We worked until dusk on Friday and were up early on Saturday.  We finished by 1000, and we are quite pleased with the results.  We had a lot of rain this morning, so we think it's taking nicely.
We are both very sore--I can understand being a little sore, but my legs hurt, back hurts, hands hurt--I guess age is catching up with us.  The garden is coming in nicely.  I planted seeds last weekend, and already the corn, beans, peas, lettuce, okra, cucumbers, and water melon are sprouting.  First, here's some corn.
I have five rows of corn, and each row has four or five plants.  Hopefully this will result in a lot of corn this summer, barring some unforeseen attack of crows.   Next are some beans--they are really coming in quickly.
I have pictures of the other items, but it's not very exciting.  Hopefully in a couple weeks the peas will need a lattice upon which to crawl up.  We did cheat a bit and bought pepper plants, tomato plants, blackberry plants, raspberry plants, and blueberry plants.  These all seem to be thriving.
Other than the labor, we didn't do much this weekend.  We did go to a nice lunch on Saturday--sort of a celebration of our hard work and Bode's report card (all A's and a B).  We had shrimp, corn, potatoes, and crab legs (Bode loves the legs).  Otherwise, it was quite dull.  The following two pictures accurately summarize the rest of our weekend.
Pleasant week to all.