Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Gold Cup

Bode had quite the weekend.  First, he did the swimathon where he swam 5,000 yards in two hours--pretty impressive if you ask me.  Then, yesterday he competed in the Colorado Springs Music Festival.  He has done this in both 2016 and 2017, and it consists of memorizing two pieces of music and performing them in front of two judges.  For the past two years, Bode has received a Superior rating for his performances.  The pressure was on this year because if he got another Superior, he'd earn a gold cup.  Needless he (well, I) was quite nervous.  Bode seemed pretty calm but afterwards, he said his legs felt "goofy." 

There are no recordings allowed during a performance, so I don't have any videos.  However, I will say Bode got off to a shaky start.  His first piece, Winter Memory by Melody Bober, is to be played "Both hands 8va" where 8va is an abbreviation for the Italian, "ottava," which simply means play both hands one octave higher than as written.  Bode warmed up with some scales, and then when he started, he started too low.  After a couple notes, he caught himself and said, "Oops, this is supposed to be up here."  And then he started again with his hands in the proper location.  I would have thought this minor goof would have affected him, but it did not.  He played beautifully--probably note-perfect if I remember correctly.  His next piece, Minuet in G, from Anna Magdalena Bach's notebook, was also spot-on (although I think he hit one note as staccato when it should have been played normally, but I'm being picky).  We waited, and then the judge handed him his superior ribbon, and the party was on.  We proceeded to the trophy room (yes, there was a room you went to if you earned a gold cup), where we got his coveted trophy.  I could tell he was very excited (as were we).
We then found Miss Pat (Bode's piano teacher) and told her the good news.  She, like us, was very proud.
To celebrate, we took Bode to brunch at the Broadmoor.  I tried to convince him we should bring the Gold Cup with us, similar to what hockey players do with the Stanley Cup.  I even showed him a picture of one hockey player eating Lucky Charms out of the Stanley Cup.  He thought that was funny, but didn't want to bring his trophy to brunch :-)  Despite the absence of the Gold Cup, we still had a wonderful time.  Before the feast, we took the normal set of pictures.
We then headed inside for the food.  As usual, Bode did his best to bankrupt the restaurant, eating many helpings of crab claws, shrimp, prime rib, steak, salmon, and eggs.  He also had some dessert and two helpings of ice cream.  Ashley and I tried to keep up with the little man, but there is something to be said about the appetite of a growing boy.  Still, we all managed to pack on a couple pounds.  Here's a shot of Bode devouring some of his steak.
Finally, one of Mommy and Bode.  I think the sugar was starting to kick in because Bode was being a goofball.
I don't know how we'll spend the rest of the day--probably in a food-induced coma.  I might read some.  I just finished Ready Player One, which was a nice easy read and caused some nostalgia for the 1980's.  Ashley got me The Alienist, so I'm reading that now, but I have to concentrate more during this one, as there are a lot of good descriptions of the settings and places (and the mutilated body, but I don't think I need to go into that here :-)  Pleasant week to all.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Swimathon

Bode's swim-team had a fundraiser last night--the Swimathon.  Bode got pledges from two wealthy benefactors (Mom and Dad) for $150 if he swam 200 laps, which is 5,000 yards.  The swimmers had two hours to complete the yardage.  Here's Bode helping to set up the lane lines.
Next, we have Bode and Justin getting ready.
The swimathon wasn't the most exciting event, as it was the team just swimming laps.  They could swim them however they wanted--kick boards, freestyle, back stroke.  I was proud because Bode didn't quit and swam all 200 laps in just under two hours.
When he finished, he had his coach sign his lap-sheet.
The boys got some pizza for their hard work.  I took a post-swim picture of the two fund-raising champions.
A couple weekends ago, Bode's YES club went to a cave simulator.  Fortunately the weather was nice (well, not freezing).  Here are some pictures.  First, Bode checking out a stream before things started.
There were a number of activities with some speakers talking about working in caves.  I think everyone got grossed out when one speaker said when you are caving, you can't go to the bathroom in the cave because it can harm the environment.  Thus, you have to go in bags and bring everything out with you (for both #1 and #2--YUCK!) 
They also had a small-space simulator.  They could make the gap smaller and smaller, so the kids could crawl through confined spaces.
Bode seemed to enjoy himself with his classmates.  Afterwards, we went to Waffle House.  Mommy and Bode are goof-balls.
Happy weekend to everyone.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Bode Piano Playing

Bode is participating in the Colorado Music Festival next weekend.  He's worked diligently to memorize two pieces.  Below is a recording of Minuet in G by Bach; the other piece was just too long to upload.
Very cold in Colorado today--high in the 20's.  It is forecast to be warmer this weekend--here's hoping :-)

Sunday, February 11, 2018


It's sort of a boring February afternoon.  Ashley is returning from Florida this evening.  If you have not heard, we will be moving to Florida this summer.  We have sold the house in Breckenridge, and we hope to sell our home on 28 Feb (knock on wood).  We will rent the house back for three months, at which point we'll head south for the winter, err, a number of years.  We think we have a house picked out, but we don't have it under contract.  Once we do, I'll post some of the details.

Bode had a swim-meet.  He didn't swim as well as he could have--his times didn't really improve, so he was a little bummed.  Still, he works hard, and that's all we can ask of him.  However, to help him improve, we might up his weekly practices from two to three or even four--we might try to get him in top shape before we go to Florida so he can impress the coaches of a future swim team.  Here's Bode getting ready to go during the second leg of a relay.
We got a bunch of snow yesterday, so Bode and I just sat around watching the Olympics.  We also shoveled and played with the dogs.  Here's a cute one of Barkley--she's now about as big as Joey.
I found a bunch of one-second movies on the camera.  Turns out, Bode was trying to take pictures of Barry (his fix).  I don't think I've posted any pictures of Barry, so here is a min-action take.
We can't believe it's almost Valentine's Day--I gues we better get shopping :-)  Pleasant week to all.