Sunday, April 20, 2014


We've had a fun couple of weeks--nothing too exciting, but just general merriment.  For "Easter" which we'll call Palm Sunday, we went to the Broadmoor for brunch.  We went on Palm Sunday because there were no reservations for Easter (we waited a bit too long with our scheduling).  Ashley's Mom was in town babysitting Teddy and Charlie, so we had quite the group.  Me, Ashley, Bode, Grammy, Nana, Teddy, and Charlie.  We had a great time, but we didn't really get a good group photo.  Here are some of people eating--not the greatest of pictures, but this is the best we got.  Evidently Bode knew a picture was being taken.
The highlight of the meal had to have been the ice cream bar.  The boys all made two trips.
Yesterday, Bode and I colored 30 eggs.  I didn't get any pictures, and that's probably a good thing because at one point, Bode spilt one of the dye-bins.  That wouldn't have been the best home movie :-)  Fortunately, we had adequate newspaper down, so the effects were minimized.  This morning, we woke up and the Easter Bunny had come and hidden all the eggs.  Before heading out for the hunt, Mommy and Bode stopped for a picture.  We couldn't get the dogs to stand still, so you don't get a good shot of them.
The bunny hid some real well, while others were out in the open.  Here's an "action" sequence.
We've (I've) eaten too much chocolate today, so we're (I'm) packing running clothes for tomorrow's workout.  Less than a month left of kindergarten for Bode--hard to believe he'll be a first-grader in a few months.  USAFA's classes end in a few weeks as well.  I'll have some down time, but then I'm also teaching summer school.  Still, summer is such a nice time.  Bummer that Ashley's job is season-less ;-) Pleasant week to all.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ski Day

Bode and Ashley snuck up to Keystone last Wednesday.  Bode was "out sick" from school.  Stew DeVillbis and his son, Aaron, were visiting Colorado from Ohio, staying in the mountains for the week.  They offered up a bed and some hospitality.  Before you could say, "Fresh powder," Bode and Ashley were in the car on their way west.  She didn't get any pictures from the slopes (although Stew might have some on his phone...), but she did take some nice shots of Stew, Aaron, and Bode.  Even though Aaron is 10+ years older than Bode, the two really got along.  Aaron has two brothers, so it's probably easy for him to get along with another little dude.  The two picked at each other all night.
Here's one of Aaron, Bode and Stew.  I believe Stew turned 50 this year.  Crazy how fast time flies.  I recall when he turned 40 (which is much younger to me now than it was when Stew crossed that threshold).
I think I remember seeing pictures from the mountain.  Perhaps those were taken by the resort and Ashley has yet to download them.  I'll ping my executive assistant to get on the stick :-)  ***Update*** My executive assistant finally downloaded the photos.  Here is a nice one of Stew, Aaron, and Ashley on the mountain.
Bode really loved ski school, and to ensure we ski more next year, we went out and bought our season passes, thus ensuring the snow will be pitiful.

Bode continues to do his swim lessons.  Below is the final leg of a "race" between the four students and the instructor.  It was a relay race.  I think Coach Brian was holding back :-)  The kids really had a good time and were really competing.  Bode was the anchor leg and brought home the victory.  I can't believe how well he swims.
Spring weather today and tomorrow.  Maybe snow on Sunday.  I am soooo ready for summer.  Pleasant day to all.