Sunday, August 5, 2012

The North Pole

Bode is really maximizing his Santa time this summer.  A couple weeks ago, my brother and his family were in town.  They took Bode to the North Pole, which is a little Santa-themed amusement park in Colorado Springs.  Bode loved it, and was more than happy to go again yesterday with the Rankin cousins, Teddy and Charlie.  I think the boys went on just about every ride there was.  Here is a conglomeration of shots, in no particular order.  First up is a sleigh ride.
Next up was a ride, which, if Ashley and I weren't careful, could have involved us spinning out of control.  Fortunately, we were able to control the craft and prevent too much nausea for the two of us :-)
Next was a motorcycle ride.  If you can't tell, the rides are basically the same thing over and over again--a (insert what carrier looks like here) goes around in circles.  Sometimes there is a horn/gun/laser that makes noise when the kids press it.  Obviously this theme park is geared at kids about seven years old, and by the looks on their faces, the kids loved every ride.  After the motorcycles was a plane-themed ride.  Here's a funny picture of Bode.
Note the girl behind him.  She had the gaul to tell Bode to get out  of the blue plane because she wanted it.  Bode's response?  Basically, he b*tch slapped her.  Well, not exactly.  Instead, he used his words, and said, "No, I was here first."  No one tells Bode what to do.  The highlight for Bode had to have been riding Rudolph.  When Uncle Pat took Bode to the North Pole, the line for Rudolph was too long, and Pat, being the impatient Uncle, did not let Bode ride Rudolph (the kid was devastated).  Fortunately, there was hardly any wait, and Bode was able to ride the Red Nosed reindeer.
Bode and I rode the Ferris wheel.  It is the highest Ferris wheel in the world.  Of course, this measurement is not made above ground level.  Rather, the North Pole is at 7,500 feet above sea level; therefore, it is the "highest" one.  Don't get me wrong--we did go pretty high.  Here's a good shot of Bode with the scenery in the background.

Next up was a torpedo ride...
and then the two boys going motor-boating.
Bode and Teddy took a rest from their playing to take a picture at the North Pole.  That global warming sure is a killer.
Today was a lazy day.  We went up to our fitness center, but didn't really work out.  We took advantage of the two hours a week of daycare the center provides.  Bode got to play, while Ashley and I spent some time in our respective locker rooms, enjoying the sauna, steam room, and hot tub.  Nothing like a vigorous work out :-)  Tomorrow, it is back to work for another fun week.  Retirement cannot come soon enough!  Pleasant week to all.