Saturday, February 11, 2012


One of Bode's teacher's (Miss Teresa) son had a birthday party today at Skateland. Going in, we didn't think Bode would do much on skates. He's been before, but was rather risk adverse. What a difference a year makes. As I told Ashley, it was the first time I saw any sign of athletic ability in the kid. Looks like those McGuirk genes are starting to assert themselves.

Here are some action photos. First, a picture of Daddy and the little guy. Initially, he wanted to hold our hands.
But once his Buddy Jase showed up, Bode was ready to go at things alone.
We skated around for a bit, and then it was time for a break. Before getting out of the rink, Bode posed (goofily) for a photo with Mommy.
Bode and Jase were hungry, so they shared some popcorn.
After a quick drink and a pit-stop, we were back out skating. I took quite a few movies of Bode. He's gotten pretty quick, although he still walks rather than skates. He would even turn around and go backwards, which was really cute. He took a number of spills, and he usually bounced right back up. This amazed me because had I fallen like Bode, I would have torn many different tendons and cartilage in my knees. Anyways, he had a great time. Here's a video of Bode chasing after Miss Teresa.
When I went to download these pictures, there were about 50 extra ones that Bode had taken. Here's a cute one of Harley. She's almost a year old, so we think she's just about full size.
The weather is bitingly cold. High of maybe 20, but strong winds really nip at you when you are outside. We'll probably stay in tonight. We are planning a trip to Disney World, so we might try to finalize some of those details. Or maybe we'll just go to bed. Yes, we are pathetic :-) Pleasant day.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

New World Order

I think the title and the following picture says it all
You are probably asking yourself how we came into possession of an Alabama shirt. On New Year's Day, we were Skyping with Ashley's parents. They have friends (Doug and JoAnne Henderson) who are big (rabid) Alabama fans. They decided to say hello and added the obligatory "Roll Tide" as 'Bama fans are apt to do (similar to Auburn fans who, instead of saying hello like the rest of society, say "Wareagle;" very weird). Anyways, for all of football season, Ashley had been telling (brainwashing) Bode that "Roll Tide" is a bad word. So as soon as Doug Henderson tells us to Roll, Bode quickly yells, "That's a bad word!" It was very cute and we could not have timed it better. Doug and JoAnne felt the need to send us this shirt in order to help undo any anti-Bama damage that has already been done. Here is the letter they sent with it.
I doubt he'll ever wear it again. It might be a shirt we "accidentally" leave on the ground and hope Harley takes it outside :-)