Monday, January 16, 2012

Newport Aquarium

Today we went to the Newport Aquarium. It is down just past Cincinnati. I had the day off (MLK day), and Ashley decided she needed a break--it has been two full weeks since New Year's Day. The day wasn't picturesque, but before going inside, Ashley used her new camera to snap a picture of the dude and me.
Note that Bode isn't wearing a jacket. He continues to defy all logic and refuses to wear one, even when it's cold outside. Rather than fight this every time we go somewhere, we've resigned ourselves to questioning looks from people. We ought to put a sign around our head that says, "Yes, our child is outside without a jacket. We are bad parents." Once inside the aquarium, there was a sign inside a fake shark's mouth. We convinced Bode the shark wasn't going to eat him and got him to sit for a pic.
There were all sorts of cool things. Frogs, turtles, penguins, and eels. The highlight was the shark tank. There was a large viewing area, and Bode spent some time watching the big fish swim by and pointing to them. Here are some pictures. I've no idea what he is doing in the last one...
There was also an assortment of ceramic animals. Below is a very cute one of Bode on a frog.
We spent a few hours looking at the sea creatures. Bode also acquired a new friend (shark on a stick). Afterwards, we went to Johnny Rockets for food, and, of course, a milk shake.
Bode fell asleep on the ride home.
Things have been going great. I was in California for four days last week. It was 60 degrees my last day there. I returned to single digit wind-chills. Brrr.

Bode has been saying some very funny things. The other day, he followed Mommy into the bathroom. Ashley asked him to leave because she had to go. Bode says, "Ok. You let me know if you need anything." Nice. Also, since Bode is an only child, Mommy and Daddy are the defacto playmates. To get us to do something, Bode will say something like, "Daddy, how about we play trucks. You be the mixer truck and I'll be excavator. That's a great idea, right Daddy?" How can you say no to that?

Finally, I feel old, not due to any physical malady, but just because I am. A group of us were talking at work. Three of us were all late 1980's/early 1990's high school graduates. The fourth was a girl who is maybe 22. Below is the conversation:

Young girl: "My husband just joined a band."
Old person: "Oh, cool. What kind of music do they play?"
Young girl: "Nothing new. Oldies mostly."
Old person: "Such as...?"
Young girl: "Stuff from the 1990's."
Dead silence. The young girl has been removed from our office and now calls the gulag home.

Pleasant week to all.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Ashley's New Camera

Ashley decided to try out her new camera. We don't know any professional models, so Bode and Harley had to fill in. Obviously they weren't in the best environment to show off all the cool things Ashley's camera can do. However, she did the best with what she had. First, here is a cute one of Bode playing peek-a-boo behind the chair.
Next up are some good ones of Harley dog. She's really filling out. I think she is as tall as she's going to be, but I think she'll beef up a bit more.
Finally, here's a cute one of Bode in his new hat.
We head back to work tomorrow (yuck). We had a wonderful holiday season, capping things with a great Auburn victory over Virginia. Pleasant 2012 to all!